Category: Atomic Fuels

KeV and MeV bond reactions with practical applications – atomic fuels, and extended nuclear materials

Ideal Weapon: Can Hafnium Bombs Replace Nuclear Bombs? at Suggest you use NuDat3 at BNL to see all the isotopes that can be used. You also need all the magnetic moments, which I think they will be adding. Most of the radioactive isotopes can be used for their reactions. Not just stable ones if
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Account for all the small changes carefully. Then the system, however large, is not so difficult to predict

Fly with Magnar: Why are so many pilots wrong about Bernoulli’s Principle? at @woodpile66 Most folks here seem to say that low pressure exists because the flow speeds up, but that group does not account for why the flow sped up in the first place, or the mandatory physics. I offer that the wing
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The world needs complete, dynamic, anticipatory tools and methods, where speed matters

Prof Van Buren: Intro to compressible flow [Aerodynamics #17] at Bad handwriting, use a computer. There are about 5.4 Billion people using the Internet now. Step up your presentations to match, not down to a hypothetical or organization driven “captive class room”. Your visualization are decent, but lack substantially because your drawing skills are
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KeV and MeV bonds for storing electricity, energy and strength

Art Berman @aeberman12  Natural gas combined cycle is cheaper than wind and solar with backup based on Lazard’s 2024 levelized cost of energy No way to get away from natural gas or coal for peak demand periods at present #energy #EnergyTransition #ClimateActionNow #renewables #NetZero #EnergyStorage Replying to @aeberman12 The energy stored in “chemical bonds”
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Fusion for SpaceX levitation, industrial and space needs. Global open tokens and global open resources

Fusion for SpaceX levitation, industrial and space needs. Global open tokens and global open resources   I was reading today and encouraged. While the economics of bulk electricity production are not particularly favorable, there are many new transportation, industrial and space applications where GigaWatt and larger power modules are needed.   For instance to
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Electrospray and laser assisted “fabrics” and “strings” can be made – up to atomic and nuclear bond energies

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative @ChanZuckerberg Imaging researcher @edithsandstroem + team captured this image in under 12 minutes—the same image generated with the current standard of mass spectrometers would take more than 3 days! Replying to @ChanZuckerberg and @edithsandstroem The electrospray Taylor cone approach for surface tension (surface energy) might well be applied to carbon, boron,
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Entanglement of finite independent flows and flux lines

Zhigang Suo @zhigangsuo I had to look it up, but it makes perfect sense. It happens a lot on the Internet, where indirect connections between nodes, often outnumber direct ones. The connections and paths are by associates, supporters, advocates, funding agencies, stakeholders, alumni, founders, common interests. Most of these associations are real, but lost by
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Stop writing about gravitational theories and old problems – make fields that act exactly like gravity

Tony, I have been finishing up some projects. July 23, 2024 was the 26th Anniversary of the Internet Foundation. I did a quick read of this last paper, and your earlier ones. You are arguing theories, when I think you ought to be studying the technologies, instruments, sensors and data. I recommend “gravitational engineering” not
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Nuclear energy is far larger than gravitational energy in many cases

Is it possible that galaxies, as the nuclear energy of ignited stars spreads matter, energy, ions, neutrinos, magnetic fields – outward, often in spirals from the central rotations, could maintain large scale rotational structures? A tiny bit of structured magnetic energy from periodic processes can greatly exceed gravitational energies, fueled by extracted nuclear energies in
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Pauli Principle and magnetic bonding – 60 years of Schrodinger, fusion, atomic, nuclear and global things

What causes the Pauli Exclusion Principle? at Particles of any size with permanent magnetic moments can bind magnetically. The magnetic potential is proportional to the product of the magnetic moments (in Joules/Tesla) divided by the inverse cube of their separation. But simply, it is two magnets binding. Two electrons can bind magnetically where it
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