Electrospray and laser assisted “fabrics” and “strings” can be made – up to atomic and nuclear bond energies

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative @ChanZuckerberg Imaging researcher @edithsandstroem + team captured this image in under 12 minutes—the same image generated with the current standard of mass spectrometers would take more than 3 days!  https://pic.x.com/wu9fcipfnr
Replying to @ChanZuckerberg and @edithsandstroem

The electrospray Taylor cone approach for surface tension (surface energy) might well be applied to carbon, boron, boron nitride and other nanotube production. The sheets are a form of surface energy, the energies can be precisely modeled and the created and maintained. The issue of extended nuclear materials (forming using the strong magnetic dipole forces between protons and protons, protons and neutrons, neutrons and neutrons — can likely be approached the same way. There seems to be analytic pathways for all the relevant calculations. And the technologies are already available for other reasons on the Internet, including electrospray ionization, laser plasma ionization and high harmonic gain stabilization.

A factor of 100 improvement in fiber strength only requires bond densities a factor of 100 larger. The “strong force” can be modeled easily with magnetic dipole approximations and standard electromagnetic math. In a simple way, “chemical bonds” are eV and “weak force bonds” are tens of KeV. Then “strong bonds” are MeV and up. Some forces and tensions can be synthesized dynamically, providing energy where and when it is needed by building the potentials with appropriate gradients at the right times.

The tool is “amorphous” magnetic energy densities made form dynamic magnetic fields from 100 to 10,000 Tesla. KiloTesla is already a staple in the Internet and groups are talking about MegaTesla. Once a group starts like that, it almost never disappears but grows on the Internet and in society. Synthetic gravitational potential fields can be made with 400 Tesla fields and less. High harmonic gain lasers for hard and soft x-rays can reach that. I am watching it happen, but I am just one person. The Internet has kicked into high gear with the threat and potential of true AI.

Maybe AIs can be trained to map out all these processes, verify and make them open and accessible for all.

Filed as (Electrospray and laser assisted “fabrics” and “strings” can be made – up to atomic and nuclear bond energies)

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Samantha Storm @sam4health Incredible progress in medical imaging! 12 minutes vs 3 days is a game-changer. Can’t wait to see the impact this has on healthcare and research!
Replying to @sam4health @ChanZuckerberg and @edithsandstroem

Samantha, my brother, Clif, and I often joke about “48 hours to 3 minutes” where we took a problem that was running 48 hours on the computer and with fairly simple changes to core assumptions and methods – had it run in three minutes. On the Internet a speed up of 200x is common, usually made up of 10x speed and 20x size. For Internet processes where tens of millions might be doing essentially the same things over and over, higher multipliers are possible.
When those are routine, not only health but all science technology engineering mathematics computing finance governance organizations topics and projects (STEMC-FGOTP) should see transformative catalytic changes. Much of human knowledge has grown by accretion and those can almost always be condensed and optimized. That is why I started the Internet Foundation 26 years ago, because I worked on those kinds of problems and felt that should be available to all 8.2 Billion humans, not just a few rich ones. Cutting education on domains like STEMC-FGOTP from years to minutes is possible and can be made routine for common problems and opportunities.
Sorry for the alphabet soup of STEMC-FGOTP, but for years I have been adding new ones and still do not have a simple name to help me remember the basic ones. Adding computing to STEMC needs to be done everywhere. And Finance Government Organizations Topics and Projects are the background and framework for many things.  Humans and related species are the reason for it all.
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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