Entanglement of finite independent flows and flux lines

Zhigang Suo @zhigangsuo

I had to look it up, but it makes perfect sense. It happens a lot on the Internet, where indirect connections between nodes, often outnumber direct ones. The connections and paths are by associates, supporters, advocates, funding agencies, stakeholders, alumni, founders, common interests. Most of these associations are real, but lost by AI algorithms that only count direct and obvious things.

Tanglemer – “A Polymer Network in which Entanglements Greatly Outnumber Crosslinks.”
tanglemeric, tanglemerization, tanglemerized, tanglemerizer, industrial tanglerizers, “tangler”, tanglemeric engineering, tanglemer based 3D printing, 3D printed glassy tanglemer space ships, most superconductors are tanglemers with multiple synchronized and resonant energy flows.
Superstrong ropes and threads can be made of tanglemerized short nanotubes and microtubes and millitubes. Extended nuclear isotopic clusters, islands of millions of unit nuclear isotopes can be formed and stabilized by entanglement. Where direct fabrication might be difficult or impossible.

In plasmas of suns and galaxies, the magnetic flux has few connections, but many entanglements because of rotation and stirring of flux lines.

Trapped strings should occur in highly turbulent gluon plasmas before transverse particles emerge.

Independent superconductive vortices can act as macroscopic nearly perfect conductors – three orders of magnitude on the Internet is often labeled as “super” or “ultra”, or “a singularity”, but it just the first step to a larger understanding with Kilo, Mega, Giga and the regular SI prefixed steps.

If you add spikes, the entanglement can produce stronger macroscopic ropes, and they can also be “magnetic ropes”. Binding is not the same as sharing. Spikes can be made with heterocycles, and atomic chains,heterosheets, and of course super conductors that can also be superstrong macroscopic sheets, threads, knots and entangled clusters.

Mixtures of magnetic monomers with different size and eccentricities (long, pointed, short, round, really long), can make strong entangled networks that are like little, or really big, Gordian knots. Some larger nuclei might break on fission because of the entanglement of the neutron, protons, alphas and smaller units which form mainly magnetic dipole chains and networks.

Magnetism is the basis of the strong force. Check for all permanent magnetic dipoles very close where the 1/r^3 potential dominates over the Coulomb potential. Because dipole is the first approximation. Dense multipole transitions are the most common in real matter and the basis of the gravitational potential high energy density. You should remember the “gravity is quadrupole” but it is simply entanglement of many complex sources interacting. Their collective effect is like crowd noise that seems 1/r potential, but can be positive or negative if there is measurement and control.

Mass is entangled, not homogeneous. Chains of atoms and molecules and particles, bound strongest by magnetic dipole and close strong multipole potentials. KeV, MeV, GeV bonds, not just a few chemical electron volts per bond.
Schrodinger is not the only representation that works and some places, many places, it is completely wrong when there are pulses and solitons and high energy density events.
Take a billion roughly spherical magnets and see how they bind and form strings, loops, structures, but seldom simple or easy without computer algorithms and software to generate them.

Filed as (Entanglement of finite independent flows and flux lines)

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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