Einstein, Dark Energy, Expansion, Digital Twin Models of the Universe and all real things

Turtles all the Way Down: What is Dark Energy? at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0lddIKoxYg

My Comment:

There are many processes, nuclear energy creation in stars foremost, that spread things out. Once gravitation and binding bring things together and nuclear fusion is possible, the nuclear energy created is much greater than gravitational energy. Our sun streams neutrinos, light, heat, particles, charges, magnetic fields well beyond the solar system. In dense objects like black holes, neutron stars, and such, those are not traps for gravity and dynamic gravitational fields. It is not mysterious, but it is not just one simple thing. It is myriad things that all act to the same end, spreading things out. Not even the earth can be described by a simple mathematical model, there is nothing that approached the complexity in real data, the real world. A model with a few parameters simple is not enough. You should not zone in on a few scribbled marks on a blackboard and expect deep mysteries, except you hope for them for some personal reason. There is plenty of data and observations, plenty of images and models – many rather beautiful things. But if you want true 3D digital twins of reality, it will not come from paper or blackboard equations – unless you translate that to simulations that are calibrated from the real world in depth.

It is “magnetic fields all the way down”. Even gluon fields can be described in magnetic and gravitational units.

Filed as (Einstein, Dark Energy, Expansion, Digital Twin Models of the Universe and all real things)

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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