DNA genealogy – global, open shared, lossless, efficient, fair and for all humans

I have whole sections of my DNA matches that are off by two generations. Everything is crowded into 3rd and 4th cousins and many of them make no sense. I have found that part of that is mistakes in trees that are propagating faster and with less and less review. Ancestry does not give sufficient
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Copy posted on X summarizing “Richard and OpenAI ChatGPT refine ideas related to sharing and using all data, forever”

Richard and OpenAI ChatGPT refine ideas related to sharing and using all data, forever [ full conversation at /?p=18322 ]   Richard Collins:   I am looking at some of the Rubin Observatory postings and sites on the Internet. It is ONE project but many fragmented sites, styles, purposes, methods and policies.   What are
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Richard and OpenAI ChatGPT refine ideas related to sharing and using all data, forever

Richard and OpenAI ChatGPT refine ideas related to sharing and using all data, forever Richard Collins: I am looking at some of the Rubin Observatory postings and sites on the Internet. It is ONE project but many fragmented sites, styles, purposes, methods and policies. What are the exact pixel dimensions of the test camera (“commissioning
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Rubin Observatory questions – Commissioning camera data sharing tests

Rubin Observatory questions – Commissioning camera data sharing tests Can the 5.4 Billion Internet users download images from the test camera in raw format to test your Internet sharing methods and pathways? Where are the specifications for the test (“commissioning” ) camera? Specifications for the test survey? Do you have the data sharing plan during
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RGB to HSL Conversion Equations, Dana, Brian and the eternal species

I was looking at the AIA 171 videos at Solar Dynamics Observatory. I took on of the images into paint and checked the RBG and HSL values. I was surprised that the hue did not change. It almost seems as they used a fixed hue and changed the saturation and intensity. What are the equations
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Controlling and shaping the near field to generate 2 meter or 20 meter long plasma channels

It should be possible to form that into a single beam. Thanks for sharing. Controlling and shaping the near field to generate 2 meter or 20 meter long plasma channels It would need an additional array of charge and voltage nodes, sensors and machine intelligence algorithm. I am just saying it should be possible. My
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Super-magnification of the sun with real time autofocus algorithms and precise, fast response corrections

https://www.facebook.com/groups/1278689162297491 Ralph, Is there any lossless format for videos (a stack of images) of the type you posted? I mostly cannot clearly see now, so I study the data in the images. Much of solar, astronomical, satellite and other images need processing, not just human eyeballs that fail with time. Any suggestions? I see that
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League of Women Voters, change “nuclear waste” to “global open resources”

@LWV In 1993 the League of Women Voters published a book “Nuclear Waste Primer – A Handbook for Citizens”. Now many women are deeply engaged in scientific, technology, engineering, mathematics, computing, finance, government, running organizations, and global topics and systemic issues. I grew up with WWII just a few years in the past, through cold
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