League of Women Voters, change “nuclear waste” to “global open resources”

@LWV In 1993 the League of Women Voters published a book “Nuclear Waste Primer – A Handbook for Citizens”. Now many women are deeply engaged in scientific, technology, engineering, mathematics, computing, finance, government, running organizations, and global topics and systemic issues. I grew up with WWII just a few years in the past, through cold
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Comments on your biomechanics website

Comments on your biomechanics website @ProfRausch On your page at http://www.manuelrausch.com/ there are three rotating icons. One for diffusion tensor MRI, one for Finite Element Model and the one I was interested in on the right, no link or text. Perhaps you could spend more time at your http://www.manuelrausch.com/publications page linking to open sites. Recommend
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All solar data could be combined across all sensor arrays, Sun Moon Vector Tidal Gravity signals

https://www.facebook.com/groups/actividadsolar/ For years I have been using Solar Dynamics Observatory AIA and HMI images and movies to look at the sun. Recently I found that solar observers were mostly using H alpha images where those black lines show up. In the AIA 171 Angstrom movies they are clear and much more detailed. And I wonder
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“Beyond femtometer” precision thinking, for systems and society.

“Beyond femtometer” precision thinking, for systems and society. @StephaneRedon I know you invested time and money into “1 Angstrom” but please start thinking and tracking “picoMeter” and “femtoMeter”. Both will expand considerably in the next year or two. I encouraged the semiconductor groups to work seriously on picometer, because the rate of change in all
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Assemble macroscopic materials with bond energies averaging 10 KeV not 10 eV.

https://x.com/AloneHemant/status/1852757181927698686/photo/1 Assemble kilograms or metric tons of materials with bond energies averaging 10 KeV not 10 eV. There are many such stable materials with active containment. Asking for new fuels and materials to act like old ones is limiting the search for useful things. It just has to be reliable, practical, and useful. It does
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What human cultures will survive too easily homogenized global society, solar system exploration and development?

https://www.facebook.com/reel/699390982355776 My Comment:  What human cultures will survive too easily homogenized global society, solar system exploration and development? In the United States, and probably in many places, perhaps a lot of people do not know how to use, or the advantages of tatami. I can appreciate your skill and dedication. But in a world with
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Effectively eternal species colonizing galaxies

https://www.facebook.com/groups/1412120169086103/ My Comment: Effectively eternal species colonizing galaxies Once an evolved species can make AIs to store knowledge and act, those entities are effectively eternal and can “live” long enough to colonize galactic and larger regions. So, most galaxies might each have their own civilizations held together by systems, but populated by natural species as
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