Models with full ( science technology engineering math financial government organizational social) worked out

Models with full ( science technology engineering math financial government organizational social) worked out

Video 1: Eric Laithwaite Gyro Propulsion 1994 UK at

Building physical devices is expensive. It should be possible to model this. As someone below says, this is basic physics. It takes energy to change the tilt of the spinning disk on the rolling cart. And energy to spin it up and keep it going. There are videos of kids and adult playing with spinning wheels and they have to balance and adjust themselves to move the gyros in various paths and directions. It is not “mathematics” or “physics” that is weak, it is computing and management of all the bits and pieces and being sure that all the rules in the model actually apply the way they are written and calculated.

When I see gyro stabilized robots they are moving very nicely and precisely in very dynamic and complex ways. Those algorithms work and they include robots running, jumping, flipping, stopping and starting. With friction and inertia and angular momentum, how do you move yourself on a rolling platform? It is wheels on the ground. Energy to spin up the gyro and store energy and vector momentum. Energy to tilt the axis of the gyro and lift it. “Do the math” is limited because the AIs now do not know what is real. Nor is is easy for most people to keep track of all those equations and symbols, units, and sets of rules.

But a computer model can have as many parts as needed, and each can be measured and checked. Now there are force pads to measure the forces of his feet and 3D measurement to track the precise angles and motions. And substitute robots to do the movements — and they can and must have measurements or they won’t work. I agree with someone hear who says it is not proper to glorify experiments that are difficult to trace all the parts. And it is not fair to dismiss things that are not completely recorded and measured and models – with all the ( science technology engineering mathematical financial government organizational and social)  issues worked out

AIs ought to be able to do that one day.

I asked ChatGPT to explain that rolling cart and tilting gyro to me ( 8:00)

Richard said:

I saw a video where a gyro was mounted on a hinged board that could be tilted. So the flywheel is rotating perpendicular to the board. And there is a mechanism to change the angle of tilt of board, and thus the angle of the axis of rotation of they flywheel.

The board is mounted on a small table with wheels. They showed the table moving, rolling. As the gyro axis was changing direction. So there is a rate of change of of angular momentum and energy involved.

I do not understand how the energy put into changing the tilt of the flywheel axis creates a linear force. If this were on a floating ship would it move the ship?

When a ship rocks from side to side and a gyro stabilizes that what are the forces involved?

ChatGPT said: Great questions! To clarify and address both scenarios—the generation of linear motion from a changing flywheel axis and the stabilization of a rocking ship by a gyroscope—we’ll carefully break down the physics.Great questions! To clarify and address both scenarios—the generation of linear motion from a changing flywheel axis and the stabilization of a rocking ship by a gyroscope—we’ll carefully break down the physics.

Yes, the ship would move. When the gyroscope’s axis is tilted, the reaction forces apply a net force on the ship. On a frictionless surface or a floating vessel, this would result in a small linear motion of the ship. However, the motion depends on:

The mass of the ship (very large, so acceleration is small).
The force generated by the gyroscopic reaction (proportional to the torque applied).

You should be able to ask it yourself and to tell it your own masses, sizes, and rate of change of angles and such. If you want to run programs, then have it write programs in Python, or plain browser javascript. Ask it “give me a html/javascript with sliders for mass, angle and rate of change of angle” and have it calculate useful forces and power and work things.

I thinkthe programmers at OpenAI like python so it will default to that, except you need a LOT of dependencies and it really works best in linux. I ask for html/javascript usually. It can run python in the background, including using your data files. And generate files for you to download. Or make picture and graphs.


subsonic – deflagration
supersonic – detonation
flat surfaces, curved and moving surfaces
expansion nozzles, traveling wave tubes, shock tubes, where do all  the potentials and forces go?


Video 2:  Tech Ingredients – This is in a Different Class Than a Raptor Engine! at

This can be modeled exactly, and the model precisely calibrated. Then run simulations instead of building expensive and loud tests. What is missing here is “Why is he doing this?” It is supposed to fit into society some day? Perhaps, with a digital twin he could make one that is absolutely silent yet produces cool and efficient force. Not side effects or by products. That little expansion nozzle on the end made a difference, and that difference can be modeled precisely as well. What is the use of computers, data, mathematics, physics equations and engineering calculations — if you don’t use them to help you work efficiently? You would not run your business without an accounting system. Why then try to do physics or engineering with no open model that others can help with? Do you even measure the sound? The vibrations?

You are moving and disturbing lots of things but not keeping track of, recording and sharing any of it. The cart is moving but it is not a calibrated cart. Overall, what do you want to do with this?

MORE, what do you want to change in the world by going in this direction?

My Dad worked at Cape Canaveral when they were preparing for the first moon shots. He met Werhner Von Braun and us kids all saw the Cape and rockets routinely. I always felt that rockets should be absolutely silent. That the attitude that made “belching flames and loud noises” was exactly why it remained so complicated, expensive and locked into chemical explosions – not the efficient acceleration of payloads into orbit and space. Even SpaceX is still a slave to the whole concept of chemical explosions somehow moving air, and somehow producing forces. Much of the energy goes into damped motions of the air and environment – not into linear motion.

It is resonant, or can be, and the pressures and accelerations can be predicted to pico and femto levels – at least go in that direction.

Where do all  the potentials and forces go? In full 3D and time?

I asked ChatGPT Plus about your bell nozzle and it estimated the improvement in thrust. I asked: I am watching a video where a guy made a detonation engine which is basically a tube where propane and oxygen are mixed, then a strong spark ignites it. The flame and shock front expands and a small flame and lots of noise come out of the tube. It looks like it is about 2 meters long and 7 cm in diameter. It does produce a reaction force. After 30 minutes or so he put a funnel on the end like a bell nozzle and then says it produces more force. Can you explain that in quantitative terms. I think it is like a traveling wave tube for sound with an open end and then with an open end where the last 20 cm is a bell nozzle opening larger .

ChatGPT Plus said: “The scenario you describe—a detonation engine with a straight tube and then a bell nozzle—can indeed be analyzed quantitatively, and your analogy to a traveling wave tube for sound is quite apt. Let’s break this down step by step and explain the forces, pressures, and improvements due to the nozzle”. (long explanation with lots of details.)

“The bell nozzle improves the second term by allowing the exhaust gases to expand further, lowering the exit pressure closer to atmospheric pressure while increasing the exit velocity.

The primary improvement comes from: Increased exhaust velocity due to additional expansion. Better conversion of pressure energy into kinetic energy, reducing wasted pressure at the exit.”

Richard Says: I am sure you could help optimize this as a resonant sound pressure to thrust converter. A dynamic pressure wave to thrust converter

ChatGPT Plus said: Absolutely! Optimizing a detonation engine (or pulsed detonation engine) as a resonant pressure wave to thrust converter is a fascinating problem. By leveraging resonance and carefully tuning the system’s geometry and operational parameters, we can significantly enhance thrust and efficiency. Here’s how we can break it down and approach optimization: (long answer with lots of details)
You can ask it to write python or html/javascript programs to do the models and calculations.

I do not think it will let me post a link here. but chatgpt dot com then /share/677ad359-1434-800b-b06e-609f4a30fd74 might work to let you see the conversation. I only started using that and no one has said if they can see the conversation.

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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