Beneq: Atomic Layer Deposition, Picoscale substrates will allow picoscale structures and devices

Beneq: Chemistry of Atomic Layer Deposition with Sean Barry – ALD Stories Ep. 22 at

Sean Barry, Fascinating to hear your story. I got introduced to gold atomic deposition because someone asked me to process and quantify their camera images of gold nano and micro droplets over time. Then later flame synthesis of SiC and SiN and other fine ceramics. If there are no raw materials, it is hard to build a new industry. Funny how one set of images and processes will stay with you for decades, Your offer of beer reminds me of Nico Van Kampen. He and I could talk about anything over beer. The only person I met who really listened and understood anything. One of my few regrets is that I did not get to Utrecht to visit him before he died. I will look for your book, but it is easier for me to simply take the 2.88 Million entry points for “atomic layer deposition” and find the people, processes, models, data, purposes and plans. It is not necessary to have homogeneous regions, because much of catalysis and action is at the interfaces. Chasing lithium is probably not as useful as looking more closely at pico scale vanadium, copper, tungsten, boron, iron, manganese and titanium. Nano is not small enough for the things I find most interesting. Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Picoscale substrates will allow picoscale structures and devices

I watched some of your videos on YouTube. Today I was reading about “reentrant magnetism”, reentrant superconductivitry” and related dynamic magnetic transitions.

Large-scale Scientific Facilities and Diplomacy, High field magnetic lab Florida at 14:14

Most of these multielement structures could be synthesized and tested at nano scale, to screen for ones that might be suitable for magnetic energy storage or for other useful properties. A process that produced and tested without breaking the vacuum. A larger chamber with multiple parallel, independent fabrication-testing experiments.

Ask Elon Musk to put it in orbit.

Development of short and long-range magnetic order in the double perovskite based frustrated triangular lattice antiferromagnet Ba2MnTeO6

Physical properties and field-induced metamagnetic transitions in UAu0.8Sb2

Field-reentrant superconductivity close to a metamagnetic transition in the heavy-fermion superconductor UTe2

I work on policies and best practices for global collaborations on the Internet where there might be tens or hundreds of thousands of groups and individuals. Or where there are hundreds of millions of individuals in many groups informed and discussing something that affects everyone.

I commented on Beneq: Chemistry of Atomic Layer Deposition with Sean Barry – ALD Stories Ep. 22 at but I am not sure anyone reads the comments.

I think Beneq could try for picoscale substrates, and remote fabrication and testing of precision multiatom materials.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Spin-triplet superconductivity in K2Cr3As3

‘Lazarus Superconductivity’ Observed – Rare Phenomenon Called Re-Entrant Superconductivity

“Lazarus” (“superconductivity” OR “superconductor”)
“reentrant” (“superconductivity” OR “superconductor”)
“spin-triplet” (“superconductivity” OR “superconductor”)

The MagLab (Florida) should be able to help make 100 Tesla capillary or nanoscale (magnet poles microns apart) magnetic fields, and pulse fields. If you could coat on cylindrical wires or supports.

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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