Collaborative Heliospheric Gravitational and Electromagnetic Imaging of the Interiors of Planets and Stars

CosmoNexus: Cosmic Harmonies: Unlocking the Universe’s Hidden Music at

You need to extend your concept of the electromagnetic spectrum. For the Internet Foundation, because there are groups and individuals researching every aspect of the universe, the scale that I have to use goes from quectoHertz to QuettaHertz. From 10^-30 times per second to 10^30 times per second. The time back to the big bang is roughly 13.8E9*365.25*86400 = 1/(2.2962382E-18 or 2.2962382 attoHertz).

Note that I make the small prefixes lower case, and the Large ones upper case. Particularly that changes km to Km. And I propercase all human names, particularly Hertz, Weber, Ohm, Volt, and others to honor the people.

The radio astronomers are petty and think 1 GigaHertz is “low frequency”. The circumference of the earth is about 2*pi*6.371E6 meters or 40.030173592 MegaMeters. Storage on the Internet is cheap, spell things out to save human time, when 5 billion busy people have to spend seconds looking up the meanings of obscure abbreviations.

At the speed of light and gravity, the circumferences of the earth has a frequency of 2.99792458E8 meters/40.030173592 MegaMeters or 7.48916208 Hertz. Below that frequency both electromagnetic waves and gravitational waves pass right through and around the earth. It is a critical frequency for earth based electromagnetic measurements. If we put detectors in orbit around the Moon, Mars, Venus, Earth, then surface measurements of distant stars becomes possible, and very deep images of the sun are possible. Ask Elon Musk for a ride.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

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Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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