Nanofocused x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy – Data link broken thru

Nanofocused x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy – Data link broken thru

Fivos Perakis,
I was reading your article and wanted to look at the data, but the link is broken.  And the DOI system form to report the error is also broken.  The DOI form appears but accepts no input.
In the PDF: “The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are openly available in the figshare repository with [55].”  and [55] DOI: 10.17045/sthlmuni.20198975
“This DOI cannot be found in the DOI System” at
I do not see a way, at, to reverse search by title to find the DOI if it is in the system and different.
I started at Twitter: Physical Review Research @PhysRevResearch Jul 26 Editors’ Suggestion: Nanofocused x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy, Sharon Berkowicz et al @Stockholm_Uni @FoivosPerakis @Fysikum @MAXIVLaboratory @a_bjorling
The Twitter link resolves to and thankfully the PDF is not pay-per-view.
I routinely trace pathways that Internet users must traverse to get from announcements to real data.  It is extremely rare that the data is ever actually available, accessible, and in a form other than a deep insider can use.  Maybe one in a thousand, if that.  Mostly because no one checks end to end transmission.  No group is responsible to Internet users.  The attitude is “Dump it on the Internet.  The Internet will take care of itself.”
Sorry, I get a little irritated some times.  24 years this month tracing policies and methods on the Internet, and it keeps getting worse, not better.  Groups are happy for their few members, but the billions of Internet users and likely hundreds of thousands of potential users for articles and methods like this are left to waste time trying to navigate broken and unmarked pathways.  I see all the global communities and new technologies, and the potential users are always hundreds of times what actually gets served.
This is a nice little study, but it is in PDF. So the equations are not in a form usable by symbolic equation processors and simulators. The diagrams do not have the background data.  No consistent and flexible set of units. Too much requirement on human memorization to glue the system together.  The references are a hodge-podge of pointers to many different systems all doing their own thing.  The whole community of people working on these topics each is hoarding their bit of content. When it ought to be on a common and open game board for all to see.
When the Year 2000 problem came up, I set up Y2K-Status.Org so all countries, all sectors and states within larger countries were all covered and visible.  That led to me being asked to review and comment on the US Joint Chiefs Tabletop Exercise scenarios, to say what would likely happen, and how they should be prepared.  When I was talking to that roomful of uniformed questioners, I was thinking of the value of having a board where all the pieces are clearly shown.  “x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy” could definitely use an online open game board where all the players, all the equations, all the algorithms, all the data, and all the related economic, financial and social models are there too.  I have to deal with that level of integration daily for tens of thousands of issues and technologies and topics that have reached global scale – but are never organized.
“x-ray” “correlation spectroscopy” has 481,000 entry points today (Google search, 27 Jul 2022) and those groups are duplicating the most basic levels of the topic, not bringing it together so that the whole can move forward.  That old saw a about “if Einstein had never been born” is multiplied today.  The basic knowledge about “correlation spectroscopy” is wide spread (1.79 Million entry points), but the groups all work only for individual fame and fortune, not for the good and survival of the human species.  We might need an essentially solid state nanofocused device, but it will never emerge in world class form, if all the groups fight like rats in a box.
You have no idea how far the Internet is from what it could be.  The bare minimum is two orders of magnitude.  Groups take decades to do things that ought to be done in weeks.  Years to do what could be done in hours or days. Oh well.
When I set up the Famine Early Warning System ( for USAID Africa Bureau and the US State Department, “famine” was considered too large and diffuse to deal with efficiently. But I put together the data flows, the networks, the processes and it can be routine.  My life is filled with those kinds of experiences.  So it wears on me to see good organization stop at the edge of their Internet domains, rather than deal with the whole topics.  “Global climate change”.  I was in the background doing models and advising at Phillips Petroleum Business Intelligence group, during the government industry meetings in the late 1980’s. It only takes a fairly small effort to link things into common global communities.  Then the big problems get taken care of, and people can go about working toward the future, for all.
All I am doing is reporting some broken links.  I have no expectation that anyone cares enough to actually fix the basic problem of publishers and publicists not taking responsibility for Internet users and the future.
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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