Comment on I3C MIPI presentation – Complete systems for devepment, intelligent nodes, local function, global communication

2021 MIPI DevCon Demo: Silvaco at–M

Add links to resources in the video description. Including links to the authors and groups. The more comments and discussion, the more views are likely. Make these YouTube nodes living parts of your global efforts on I3C and MIPI. Not just things stuck on the Internet. Make evaluation boards with sensor, FPGA, memory and processors for low latency testing, logging and algorithm development. Give them away, and then capture and encourage the discussions and development.

This particular demonstration has too many developer specific methods. Go back to the command language, not fall into jargon filled explanations. There are billions of people now that could be using MIPI sensors at a high level, but the world cannot afford for them to all invent the debugging tools themselves. So make statistics, monitoring, basic power management, logging to memory, communication – all basic to the devices. They cannot stand on their own anyway, so start out with fully functional, and workable devices. Intelligent devices. Internally they can speak I3C, but externally they should speak human and organizational languages.

“MIPI” (“language” OR “languages” OR “commands”) has 344,000 entry points (Google, 12 Oct 2021) and these small, unconnected groups are not working together efficiently. They all use different Internet methods and practices.

(“MIPI” OR “I3C” OR “I2C”) (“language” OR “languages” OR “commands”) has 6.36 Million entry points (12 Oct 2021, Google) and the groups and individuals are not working as a seamless whole.  How would you expect the devices to be any smarter?

In any network of devices, especially as that grows to global scale with trillions of devices, you cannot rely solely on locally implemented and devised protocols. Basic functions take care of local issues, and also support global communication, monitoring and optimization.

Richard Collins, Director, The Internet Foundation

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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