Comment on Video Demonstrating Convection, and approaches to understanding and visualizing

How to demonstrate convection at

The simple materials are good, but you, yourself, did not explain what you were expecting, where the students and demonstrators were supposed to focus their attention. You said (don’t use purple shirt) and for this short video, why did you not go change your shirt and record it again? Or, better yet, get out of the video altogether (at least stand to the side).

Find optimal ways to demonstrate – warm objects at the bottom in cold water, cold objects at the bottom in warm water, cold top warm, warm top cold etc. What the heck is that black stuff, and why did you use such big holes? You wasted what was there for visualization, and filled the tank with black stuff – mixing up your demonstrations.

Maybe this is an early video that you improved on. Then perhaps, make this private, or add links to later and better videos of your own, or ones that you found. Share, describe, and get out of the picture. This phenomena and its potential deserves a lot more effort than you put into it. If you learned things, at least summarize them in the text description, offer links to relevant materials and useful things.

“convection” (“demonstration” OR “demonstrations”) has 7.87 Million entry points (9 Oct 2021) and all those people are NOT working together to find best practices, simplify and lower the cost of demonstrations, applications, modeling, natural and engineered phenomena where convection applies.

“convection” OR “convecting” OR “advection” has 72.8 Million entry points, and those people are not working together. I count the cost to the human species when millions or billions of people reinvent that same things, do the same experiments. Best practices can be captured and shared globally now – regardless of human language, age of viewer. And, why are you pointing this at teachers? When the world is now full of global learners?

I rarely use thumbs down, but I just want you to try harder. You seem like a nice person, but when you pick a topic that affects billions of people (every one of the 1.93 Billion students from 5 to 20 years old in the world now will see some demonstration of convection and other phenomena. And they are ill served by partial word of mouth, talking head methods – when they could be interacting with quality simulations, watching globally accessible, best in the world, permanently and continuously running experiments where this is shown well. How is convection acting on all the live videos in the world now (and recorded) were there are clouds, or boiling or fog or solar phenomena – anywhere convection is acting, or could act?

Richard Collins, Director, The Internet Foundation

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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