Looking for low cost linear arrays of photosensors, maybe contact image sensor arrays


I want to find a contact image sensor CIS that has high dots per inch, large color depth (bits per pixel color) and fast speed (lines per second).

I need three of them, and don’t know where to buy the parts. I just started looking and found that the mobile document scanners (Brother) seem to use them more. But buying random things and looking seems inefficient.

What I am doing is checking something. Such a device (a linear photodetector array) should be a good low frequency magnetic detector. Like a sound card covering frequencies into the kiloHertz per pixel. Like a software defined radio SDR covering the low frequencies. But with spatial resolution in millimeters and smaller.

The statistics and verification probably only takes a few days of programming and data gathering. It is the hardware and figuring out what the sensors are doing and reporting that I find hard.

You might be familiar with noise in electrical systems. There is “kT” noise that derives from thermal radiation fields inside the device and to some degree always from things further away. At low frequencies the absorption for magnetic signals is almost zero, so signals like sferics and many magnetic disturbances travel great distances and are hardly absorbed. At these low frequencies, there is no practical difference between magnetic and gravitational signals. It all depends on the microfrequencies (the fine details of the variations in almost unchanging signals). It all depends on the fluctuations about a slowly varying mean. What I found is that EVERY low frequency signal has noise across ALL frequencies usually from femtoHertz to ExaHertz.

It is frustrating to know so much about signals then be blocked because I can’t plug in a sensor.

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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