Create arbitrary fields through simulation, measurement, and calibration.

A wave traveling between two parabolic antennas

You might try receiver-transmitter pairs, where each inverts the signal to build a standing wave. Use the final state inside the volume (arbitrary and time dependent if you want) as the constraint, then solve for the signal modifications needed at each site. I first saw this more than 50 years ago with two radars. I remembered it because it seemed so elegant. Now we have sensors and processors and nano technologies to make this low cost and effective. You might also run the simulation for a few thousand (million, billion) cycles and do a time lapse. Cute phenomena are nice, but think what kinds of fields you might want to build. Use that as your constraint. The only method I know that is fast enough to handle these problems (not costing more than most countries and corporations can afford) is FFT solution of the partial differential equations involved. Then software defined radio SDR methods can be used and arbitrary fields created and calibrated.

Richard Collins, Director, The Internet Foundation

​ @Nils Berglund I really liked this, but would almost rather have the data over time as rgb values, because each 2d voxel (thin) then could be examined in detail. Human eyes and time perception are extremely limited, and numbers have no limits. I can read any video on the internet, but the lossy compression algorithms trash the pixels at fine scales. Even a magnification of 1000 is hardly enough to exhaust the beauty and information in your simulation.

You might not be interested in such things, but I found someone working on “yet another inertial drive”. The same FFT capabilities that allow low cost and powerful precise measurement and calibration of electric, magnetic, acoustic, velocity and many physical properties of volumes, mean you can bolt your simulations into measurement systems for many real problems. He was just doing acoustic frequencies, but the same apply to magnetic and gravitational velocities.

I encouraged him to look at groups working on faster than light vehicles in vacuum and faster than sound vehicles in air, water and plasmas. Hundreds of groups are converging on the t vacuum problem – for laser vacuum, gravitational and other reasons.. When they start merging and combining it should be interesting.

I track these kinds of new ventures (and impediments to groups working together). Problems that are too hard for all humans right not, are great test cases for using the Internet in new ways. Truly global collaboration and open sharing WILL transform society. How long that takes is rather haphazard.

Keep up the great work!

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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