The gravitational potential and the magnetic potential overlap. They are part of the same potential, but they have different spatial frequencies. In a simple picture they are made of particles of different sizes, mixed to make one potential field. The energy density of the gravitational fields is much larger than the corresponding magnetic field. But if the magnetic potential is based on gravity, and it has low cross section for transmitting forces, then the correlations will be weak. I am checking all the magnetic and gravitational sensor networks to look for ways to verify the proportions of each contributing to the noise and signals in various experiments. The only way that it can be sorted properly is through time of flight.
I am working very long hours and don’t have time to explain more just now. But I will say that the “best practices” method for transmitting low frequency (microHertz to MegaHertz) signals is piezoelectric and piezomagnetic materials driven deliberately. OR excited naturally in earthquakes, volcanoes, earth tides and sun moon tidal stresses.
You can sample a low frequency wave at high frequencies. The sampling rate is independent of the resonant or normal frequencies of the signal. The advantage of MegaSamplesPerSecond (Msps), and GigaSamplesPerSecond (Gsps) data streams is they allow for looking at the fine grain flow and structure of noise of the signals. The gravitational signal of a cubic kilometer of the earth’s core, for instance, is quite different from the signal from a cubic kilometer of solid mantel. It takes some effort, but the cost of these Gsps up to Tsps (TeraSamplesPerSecond) devices is dropping. And the ability to process the fine structure of the signals in real time is improving every day.
At least take a look at the Software Defined Radios. They are low cost and can get to tens of Msps and a few Gsps. More than the cost of these, is that there is a large global community of groups using them. Plug them into a simple piezomagnetic or piezoelectric sensor and they give you fine details of the spectrum of changes over time.
The gravitational potential and magnetic potential field is grainy. It supports flows, circulation, vorticity. It has structure more like clouds and convection cells than uniform gas flow. If the flow is smooth, it looks like gravity. If the flow has circulation it looks more like magnetism. That curl is not for show. It measure the rotational structure of any flow. The gradient of the potential gives you an acceleration. The curl is the circulation or vorticity.
I am also calibrating as many of the different networks as I find. The gravitational networks routinely pick up magnetic fluctuations. The “kT” noise in many devices has some or a lot of magnetic noise and gravitational noise. It is because they are the same thing. Now I cannot yet determine how much is just electron density fluctuations. That flow and circulation definitely gives magnetic effects. And the acceleration of those from pressure gradients and acceleration fields gives flows. I am only one person, so I can do a few dozen of the major sensor networks.
I really wish all the people doing “quantum” and “gravitational” experiments would simply check their devices to see if they track the sun moon tidal signal. That part is pretty clear – it is “gravitational”.
Richard Collins, Director, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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