Measuring real relativistic effects precisely enough to make trans-light and trans-gravity drives

What happens when you turn on your headlights at the speed of light?

You are looking at the wrong end. Start by looking at “What is happening in the matter and fields linked to an object that begins moving?”.

Then carefully examine everything as something moves. 1 meter per second is fine. But you can look down at 1 nanometer per second. Or simply “every picosecond”.  It IS measurable now. And when you see “it is fields all the way down” and you know the whole of all the fields interacting – then you see that “relativistic corrections change with speed, and they can be modified by fields.” It is not some “close enough” model made on paper, but a digital twin. It is “exact enough to predict and energy harvest”.

You do NOT have to be perfect to arbitrary  precision, but to where on average you can harvest energy from the vacuum that you need to stay going.  The coherence length and energy requirements are not infinite, because there is always energy available in many forms. The currents of space are measurable, predictable and can be used.

Who wants a car, with headlights and fake problems, when one can make a real starship? That is worth doing.

Filed as (Measuring real relativistic effect precisely enough to make trans-light and trans-gravity drives

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Cletis Bailey I am 75 years old now, and have been studying all the sciences for 60 years now. The last 26 years, every day I review groups using the Internet for research and collaboration on all things for the Internet Foundation. So I feel I have some reason to say a few things. But you are right too. Indeed there are a lot of experts on the Internet. Some of them use too simplistic explanations that are not good starting points for studying more deeply. A bad way of looking at problems can waste decades for tens of thousands of otherwise good researchers. “At scale” there are many inefficiencies in groups. I try to find and characterize the worst ones that propagate on the Internet. The speakers in videos almost never read the comments, so what I say will not change this speaker. That was not my intention. What I was doing is showing that it is possible to look at things in many ways, and some will lead to new insights and methods. This particular one, I did spent a few decades to start from very slow processes in the gravitational potential field to look at how relativistic effects work when velocities are near zero.

I feel the same way about old companies, old countries, old systems, old books, old industries, old trash, old land, old people, old ideas, old methods. Things that others despise are often very worth cleaning up, sometimes better than when they were “new”.

Filed as (Measuring real relativistic effects precisely enough to make trans-light and trans-gravity drives)

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation


Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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