“Invisible” is click bait, detectors are data and technology, Dark matter can be made in many practical ways

Astro4Space: Do you think dark matter stars exist? at https://www.facebook.com/reel/1488109911808688

Do not say, “invisible”. You must say “not detectable to {a list of detectors}” and carefully note the conditions and details. “Invisible” is “click bait”. Detectors are science, technology and useful knowledge.

If you post the data behind the images, and give all the specific, I can likely design several ways to make it happen with things that are “invisible” to the detectors involved.  And, more, can tell you how to create fields to move things in any pathway and schedule and orientations (trajectories) you want to specify.  If your planned trajectory violates laws, it will be flagged and alternates suggested.

The easiest “dark matter to make” is particle antiparticle pairs. The attract by charge, they attract by magnetic dipole forces, so they must have rotation to keep them separate and stable.  The mass that is exposed can be adjusted.  The easiest is “massless” where those squiggly field lines you show have meaning. You would say, “The positive and negative charge fields essentially cancel at a distance”, “the magnetic flux lines are closed so it will be at most quadruple magnetic”, “the rotation is fast enough for the distribution of gravitational and inertial fields to satisfy the vacuum and Higgs field requirements”, “the binding energy is “invisible” except at high frequencies but it can be modulated to match local gravitational potential fields, or local magnetic fields of any strength”.  Roughly.

A neutron star is filled with proton and neutron superconducting “superfluids” and a liquid core can be stable with no “unpaired” bits.  If it is energy dense enough to hold superconducting particle-antiparticle pairs, they will be “dark” “invisible” except at GeV and TeV (whatever) frequencies. Just as electrons and protons can bind in pair (by magnetic force), so too can “transient” particle-antiparticle pairs when the energy density is high enough. Also, “black holes” only trap photons, not gravitons, not massless (there are some) neutrino states.  It is not ocmplicated, let the computers remember it all and force (require, demand) that the AIs learn it exactly and give it to humans in a form they can use, not the poor c–p some human programmer makes up with minimum time and effort.  The human side might seem messy, but it took can be understood and reliable, and sustainable.

Filed as (“Invisible” is click bait, detectors are data and technology, Dark matter can be made in many practical ways)

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

This is unrelated, but future generations can move planets and stars. So if you see one moving much faster than the usual in galaxy, perhaps they are just moving their home planet to another sun or galaxy.  If it is an eternal system with perfect memory, then a few millions years or billions is nothing to worry about, “everyone does it”.

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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