Russia needs more options, not forced into a war before the elections for Bidens’s “media legacy”

Art Berman @aeberman12 “The US’s potential shift on Ukraine’s long-range missile usage comes as Moscow’s forces keep advancing in the Donbas region.”
#politics #geopoltics
Replying to @aeberman12

Russia needs more options, not forced into a war before the elections for Bidens’s “media legacy”

Art, Does this mean, ‘we are just arms dealers’, not at war? Even if the systems are so complicated they require US technicians and advisors? You have to give Russia some way out, that is not military.
Say: Pull back, settle things nicely and we will buy your rockets and collaborate on Moon and Mars missions.
Russians who die will remember the ones who gave them guns and rockets and encouraged them to use them. Just because Biden could only spend two hours figuring out a strategy and put no real effort into it, because he is just one person, old and tired, and could not fit it into his heavy media schedule?
Say: Open your systems and lets convert some of that old weapons grade material to open commercial power units for space and earth remote operations. You can encrypt the material itself.
Say: We will help remove restrictions to let you sell energy in Europe and other places if you show real effort in modular nuclear, more efficient energy systems, open education, climate friendly, etc etc etc,
Filed as (Russia needs more options, not forced into a war before the elections for Bidens’s “media legacy”)
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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