Serving every person individually, efficiently and fairly – listening to all and combining information

Veritasium: Why Democracy Is Mathematically Impossible at

There are literally hundreds running for President now. I would rather they all “work for the good of the country” and everyone share their skills and ideas on the Internet openly, completely, and current. If they need to get a salary to survive to “work for the good of the country” that can by done by $Donate or $Support. None of the people running are writing down clearly their concerns nor their solutions.

If I have 100 computer companies selling me “solutions” or tens of thousands of universities offering services or pathways, I do NOT want one company and all others completely locked out.

If voices are used, we are back to “how much time can someone afford to devote to making their ideas attractive”. I know some people cannot run for President because they are not citizens, or were president before. But they can share their knowledge.

Much of legislation, laws, rules, regulations, issues on the Internet is incomplete, out of date, disconnected, deliberately false, biased for gain, biased because of laziness and difficulty, biased because of lack of skill or time.

I quit voting many decades ago, I am not rich and usually live in poorer neighborhoods I can afford. So I will never be in a geographic area where my one representative will be anywhere near me in thinking or choices. They will never be a good proxy for my skills, ideas, wants and needs. They will never truly represent me. And likely they, if they do not reject me because of old votes, are always too busy to do anything when there are hundreds of thousands more wanting or pushy than me.

One person cannot serve so many. About 750,000 people per representative? In the US about 300 doctors per 100,000 people is (750,000/100,000)*300 = 2250 doctors per congressional district. But we get ONE representative???? No wonder they never answer their mail. And a single unaided human remembering and doing everything — not possible. Flat out impossible.

I would like to have a way to $Support people who actually help me.

I would almost rather have a certified human level AI that has earned 500 doctorates and 1000s of engineering certificates and is guaranteed to do a good job of analyzing situations at any scale, for me, not to pay a few people to physically have offices in an old building in DC.

I could write for a year and not say all I have to say. On the Internet, there are about 5.4 Billion humans now. Most of them fairly reasonable and caring. Then 2.8 Billion with no access but trying to survive. For the last 26 years, every day I have been trying to find ways that everyone person can live a life with dignity and purpose.

One president to express the needs of 337 Million Americans and many living here?  Not even possible. We have a stupid system that leaves everyone out. It was built in times when mail and travel were difficult. We pour vast amounts into paying humans who simply cannot remember everything and cannot represent anyone fairly.

If I could choose my representative, even someone not paid by the government, and they did a good job, a virtual representative is better than some nearly random person assigned to my area and supposed to keep track of 700,000 lives? Not possible, not reasonable, not fair.

TurboTax sort of works. Could I transfer my taxes to an independent representative like kids can get money from public schools to pay for home schooling or online schooling?

Filed as (Serving every person individually, efficiently and fairly – listening to all and combining information)

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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