grows but diminishes in ability, awareness and relevance? Same for

@WorldBank Please put more effort into editing your data reports. Look at Population Total at
The entries for China and India are in Billions. You need consistent units. Do not round to whole numbers, give background links. I used to respect WorldBank data, but your Internet people apparently are not trained in statistical communication and tied into the actual work at the Bank and its partners.
The download csv is SLOW. If you post a link, cache it. These are not changing minute by minute.
The whole of the UN on the Internet is in shameful disarray, fragmented, out of date, disinterested. At least try to get all the UN sites indexed by lossless database methods, open verifiable AI indexing. Work with all Internet users to verify that the information is correct and immediately accessible in all human languages and all domain specific languages. Science technology engineering mathematics computing finance governance organizations(business processes), interest groups, issue groups – have domain specific languages that require precision, completeness and verifiable accessibility.
site:WorldBank.Org is showing 3.46 Million entries in google search today. But it is like 3.46 Million scraps of loose papers. It can be indexed by traditional database methods (I call those lossless) and by statistical methods (AI and machine learning and similar methods) which can also be lossless, but no one does.
Filed as ( grows but diminishes in ability, awareness and relevance? Same for
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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