Induced magnetism suggestion to K&J Magnetics

I read your article because of your email.

I had hoped you would show a way to re-energize or strengthen an old magnet by using a strong magnet to increase permanent magnetization.

Is that possible? Can a strong magnetic make many weaker magnets? Ferromagnetic materials, like paper clips, nails, washers, metal plates, metal sheets. How does induced magnetism of that sort work – according to the strength, size, contact area, duration of exposure to the strong magnetic field(s).

If you say “Other Questions” usually ask for a subject.

Richard Collins


Thank you for the quick and effective answer.  That article is very helpful.

My impression is that each material (a weak magnet is made of something that can be magnetized) has a magnetization/demagnetization, hysteresis, curve and there is likely information in the curve to tell what magnetic field is needed.  The B-H curve or B-I curve tells what H field or I (current as a density) is needed.

Edmund Scientific grew to great popularity when it began. Now it is just “sell for the highest price”. And it created a whole generation of scientists, engineers, technologies, inventors and explorers.  We could do that now, but almost every retail outlet on the Internet forget “nurture your current and future market”.

I suppose you think that selling “blank magnetizable materials” would reduce demand for off the shelf magnets.  But it might create a global network of people knowledgeable in magnets.  In computing and in all science technology engineering mathematics computing, finance government interestGroups — there are users, developers, developer and sharing networks, distributors, fabricators — whole global networks.  It is how things get done.

A teacher could involve whole classes in making magnets, using and experimenting with them.  3D printing magnetizable materials is likely already being done, I just do not have time writing this to find them all or some.

You can sell to end users, and to innovators and local experts.  The universities, colleges, expert groups  – concentrate certain kinds of knowledge, but they often fail at innovation and expansion of industries, because they do not have materials, suppliers, fabricator networks.

You could think of “inducing knowledge of magnets and related things into global networks”. It is not passive. It can be done as a science, a profession, an industry, a technology of knowledge and growth in human networks.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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