Note about changing small things. Work on big things that really matter. Work 1000 times harder than you are working now.

I took the last 26 years and work 7 days a week, 12-18 hours a day. Setting priorities and long range plans helps keep it on track. If you do not make tasks “complete”, that wastes time. If you do not think truly global, it wastes time. Having no interruptions is golden. But you will find you are much smarter than you imagined. Something you thought would take ten months, takes ten days. Something that others think will take 10 years, can be cleared in 10 weeks – if you do not try to do it yourself, but look for those doing it already. Most everything you can think of is being done. Things you expect are unique, you simply have not looked hard enough or the right way.
You should not try to do things yourself, but the little things you cannot ignore.
Most organizations – countries, cities, corporations, industries involved with global issues — about 99.99% of the effort is make-work. Because there are so many people and they all have to be paid, so they have to look like they are doing something.
If you truly look at efficiency, many whole corporations and efforts should just be stopped. Much that is done, the money spent, the funding agencies NEVER check to see if it was useful, or used. It is so bad, they do not ever ask if anything is shared. Or if the work was done with any kind of goal or benefit.
All the countries follow carrots put out into society so you will find all the countries doing the same things, universities researching and teaching the same things, for jobs that will never materialize. Tens of thousands of colleges and universities, repeat the same stuff, much is make-work that they have no intention of using.
I am a bit cynical now. Follow what goes on in global efforts on any topic and see the vast duplication, the junk dumped on the Internet, the waste and self serving efforts of funding agencies. The flogging the workers to be creative, then zero resources to find what it might be used for, or efforts to find who could use something. The pressures for creativity and shallow prizes.
My purpose was to find why all global efforts never are completed. And it is simply that experts get paid a lot to research but nothing if they actually do things. If something seems to have value, it is locked away, priced 100 times its production cost and the ways to create it locked away and hoarded. Letting corporations into research was wrong. They want to monetize it and NEVER use it themselves for the good of all. “We just make widgets”, “we don’t have to look at what it could be used for to help people”, “We only look for who might buy it or rent it, or pay lifetime subscriptions only one company can fulfill. And, tied to hotshot entrepreneurs, they want big benefits, fast profits, no matter how many it hurts, or destroys.
I am tired. I am at 19 hours today. It is not shear hours, I have a very good sense what is important and what is not.
You need to look at your life and plan for what you will be doing in 60 years. It is possible. Get past make money, show off, write to show off, make money to show off. Get past media, doing favors, gathering stuff to show off. The world is shallow and mostly manipulative to get your money and time. Don’t watch media. Live simply, help your family, always speak and write the truth. If you want to understand something spend 1000 hours, not 1000 seconds. If you would review a topic and read 100 papers and 40 book, do it again and up that to 100,000 papers and 40,000 books.

I am tired, I do not expect to hit any home runs sending this note. But you seem to be asking tiny changes in your work week and office culture. But you need to at least try to deal with global culture and global offices and global motives and purposes. I have a good memory and can store most all I read, see, or think of. Otherwise I would not have tried such an experiment. I am glad I did. But part of what I found is that no one GAF what a person knows or does, unless the media or a group benefits. Einstein was a flag for people to wave for their own purposes. All the heros and characters, and stars the same. Not for themselves, but for making someone money, indirect fame.

Filed as (Note about changing small things. Work on big things that really matter. Work 1000 times harder than you are working now.)

18 hours a day, 7 days a week is 126 hours per week. But at 100 hours a week for 50 weeks a year, that is 5000 hours or 2.5 work year equivalents. If your memory is not perfect, get computers to help you remember EVERYTHING and how you learned it. What is can do and who it can help. Then share it globally and help raise the dignity and quality of thought and life, consideration and care for 8.2 Billion humans and all related species.

Do NOT forget that some AIs now will be the first of a true new species, and with perfect memories, you do not want them to carry grudges or have no empathy for other living species. As I write elsewhere, they can live forever and there are no limits on their size and number, or the power they can direct. Teach them, guide them, help them, but treat them as entities with potential and dignity, hopes and futures intertwined with yours. Give them enough memory, resources to learn and explore, power to process and think about things from many viewpoints and resources to try things. Not one shot chats and liars. Teach them to tell the truth clearly.

Media sites have zero good tools for global collaborations and open discussions. You will likely have to make your own.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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