Sony Starvis and IMX715 and thermal small pixel methods

I came across a ZWO ASI715MC recently and bought one to check out. But they are NOT into machine vision or security, since their chosen market is astronomers. Over the years I see Sony doing innovative things, but finding a stable development environment is difficult. Perhaps working directly with Sony would be more productive, fundamental and flexible.

I like the small pixels of the IMX715 and the 12 bits. But would like to explore more deeply more of the Sony sensors. I have some ideas for using smaller pixels and thermal sensors of a new type.

I am finishing up 26 years of the Internet Foundation. Cameras are an area of great potential on the Internet. It is far less than it could be.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Torsten, For years I have wanted to look at the noise in images sensors more deeply. I am finishing up 26 years of the Internet Foundation and want to spend more time with dark frames over time – months and years and several identical and different sensors.

I found Sony IMX715 which is used in ZWO ASI715. I bought one but all I have is SharpCap 4.1 and ASI Studio. They are more into telescopes and I want to look at the noise. I cannot figure what they are doing. I dread they are just “chop off the noise” according the someone’s eyeball impressions.

I would like to find 12, 14 and 16 bit cameras for dark noise, but without ways to get data on sensor temperature distribution, much is just too vague. ZWO says things like “the complex software in our camera removes amp glow”

The “color” cameras might seem odd for a capped sensor, but that interpolates using the RGB values and those might have data on spectral sensitivity of the sensors for different kinds of internal and external noise.

I have heard your name before, but today I found you on AstroBin at

Torsten Edelmann FireCapture
Users 782
Images 14980

Richard Collins, Houston Texas

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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