Writing things down is a primitive form of planning and drawing and sharing

Nischa: How 90 Days of Journaling Changed my Life at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rl6pTMQSVo4

Thanks! I have kept bound paper journals for over 50 years now. In recent decades I use computers and internet so separate topics and communities are easier to manage. “Write it down, so you can see it separate from yourself” motivates writing, drawing, painting, sculpture, many crafts, cooking, any type of tool use, planning, budgeting, blueprints, maps, and countless purposes. If you do not write things in permanent form outside your memory, you cannot share it with yourself, nor with others.

Now digital twins of things allow billions of humans to work on things together. If you think your own memory and creativity and power are enhanced by writing it down for yourself, consider when all 8.1 Billion humans, their tools and AIs and computer focus on every task, issues and opportunity at global and heliospheric scale.

Please spend 10% of your waking time writing down the needs of the world now. Things like climate change are not impossible. It might take you a decade to get a good sense of the whole. But your life is likely at least 10 decades, and if everyone works and shares globally, that could lengthen dramatically.

Or pick something you are passionate about and help all people in the world already working or wanting to work on it. Help them write out their ideas in global open formats so it all fits together and can be used as a whole. Whatever topic, to be complete, will extend to all humans and all things, because all things are connected.

Filed as (Writing things down is a primitive form of planning and drawing and sharing)

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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