Humans can colonize Milky Way Galaxy through intelligent devices, and search for gravity signals

Humans can colonize Milky Way Galaxy with intelligent devices, and search for gravity signals. — Galactic civilizations using intelligent devices can live billions of years. So the most likely “species” for human devices to meet would be intelligent devices. Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope might look for intelligent messages in the galactic plane. And space based Gsps gravity detector arrays can look for modulated gravitational and magnetic signals, which are not absorbed.
Humans could colonize Milky Way Galaxy – through intelligent devices. Designed to operate for 1000s of years, human devices could take human knowledge to other stars and plant new civilizations.
Every galaxy in the Universe might generate one or more organic species like ours that leads to their devices colonizing that entire galaxy. Each galactic intelligence would be watching for devices from other galaxies.
At c/10, 1 Million years to cross the Milky Way Galaxy. At c/100 less than a 1000 years to get to nearby stars. From each of those to move to others.
L Light years at C/N takes takes N*L years. How long does it take for a C/1E4 ship to cross a galaxy 1E5 across? N = 1E4 and L = 1E5 and Years = N*L = 1E9 years. In a billion years, even at C/1E4 = 2.99792458E4 meter/second = 29.9792458 Km/second a machine species could reach all parts of the galaxy.
Machines can do that if we make them smart enough to survive. Civilization transmitted by machine-, not human-, memories.
If their machines use space based private networks, their signals are likely incomprehensible, unless they are reaching out all the time for millions or billions of years.
I bet they use high frequency, multichannel, multipolar gravity signals, not dipole electromagnetism, because gravity is not absorbed. Arrays of portable Gsps gravitational detectors can search. There are dozens of groups that can reach that now.
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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