Trying to suggest better ways to use live webcams, Contact Form limited

WMAC Trentham Camera 1 Live Stream

I came across your live webcam at

Wellington Model Aeroplane Club, Radio control aircraft and multirotors (drones) at

Please put a link to your organization below in the description. Also tilt the camera up and show the sky not that roof. It is OK to have tilt. If the stars and planets every come out, you can show those. Maybe you have events over the roof. Can’t tell when finding that video from YouTube or outside. You are more likely to get visitors through YouTube and search than by word of mouth – if you write about who you are, what you are doing, what you hope to do – in the description. You can share things in your profile page as well.

I am indexing live webcams on the Internet for an Internet Foundation project.

Richard Collins, Director, The Internet Foundation

Weather Cams at

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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