King Sejong and Hangul transformed Korean society and human potential

Jawad Khan,

Have you found someone yet? King Sejong created the Hangul alphabet, and it allowed all people to write down their sounds, and to read them aloud. It broke the monopoly of Chinese script and enabled communication, long distance commerce and a stable society.
For the Internet Foundation I am considering a single speech encoding methods for all human languages. There are about 2 Billion humans now with no written language. And many spoken-only languages are endangered. There are 8.1 Billion humans and about 5.2 Billion have some access to the Internet. I think many of the 2 Billion with only spoken language do not have access to global knowledge.
Are you interested in such things? Human speech range if broad, but finite relative to all sounds. Statistical machine learning is popular now, but there are other ways to encode the data in sounds.
I wrote some notes this morning as “Speech encoding creates a permanent copy for sharing, record keeping, training humans and AIs” at /?p=14824
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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