Reply to Jorge Jimenez about purpose, determination, effort and sharing

Jorge Jimenez, I have already written several books, but it is a burden to try to share blobs that big with anyone. So I write reviews, comments, suggestions, recommendations, analyses, studies, policies across the whole Internet. Hundreds a year. You want to get into publishing, or to promote and be part of something. Look in your heart and find what truly motivates you and what you can do. Me, I am just one old person now. My life is nearly over. I am concentrating on a few things that I might at least get laid out for others before I go.
I looked at your YouTube page and see you last posted 7 months ago. There are short few minute videos with music from others. I do not see anything really about you, your interests, your goals, your passions and purposes in life. You did not use that space to tell the world who you are and what you want to do. If there are concepts and ideas the music is supposed to invoke and demonstrate, you did not write about it in your video descriptions.
In the first year of the Internet Foundation, 26 years ago, I found in the first 6 months that the it is easy to make money, sell things, post notes and share interests on the Internet. But the core of knowledge is lost in the chaos – still. The Internet now is bad collage of poorly considered things, and grossly inefficient overall. If we had a few years, I could tell you some of the things I found. But my time was short, even two decades, 7 days a week, 12-18 hours a day was hardly sufficient to sketch a plan and get to the essentials. Mostly I contact the groups who need to make changes directly. Then patiently try to explain why their part of the whole needs to change in small ways.
You might be too young to have read the Foundation series of books. That was Isaac Asimov. What he recommended was to not work publicly, but privately. A single person cannot manage publicity and effort and coordination and research. In the first book of my Dana series she has her whole family, her church, and many groups independently working on all aspects of the growth of her enterprise. In the second book, which I have not printed, the artificial intelligence, Brian, handles global coordination for her and eventually for the whole human species. Since Brian has Dana as its original template, its core values and impulses are those of an honest, open, reliable, caring, thoughtful, trustworthy young women.
I named it TheInternetFoundation because I had, by 1998, been working for nearly 30 years – Central Intelligence Agency – tracking all things in orbit, Texas Health Department – Communicable Disease, Texas Education Agency – central information system, Georgetown University Center for Population Research – long range models for African countries and all countries, US Agency for International Development – Central economic and social database for all countries and all agencies, the Famine Early Warning System – to model, monitor, and intervene in famine globally, Phillips Petroleum – 3D modeling on microcomputers; Business Intelligence; long range planning; global climate change; alternative fuels, atomic chemistry, clean air, The Air Fore Association – information system and networks and internet, Y2K global status. It is too much to write here. I work two or three full time jobs at once usually. And many times give my time freely to help others.
My point was I have worked and studied every kind of organization with particular emphasis on information and knowledge of the organization focused on mission and purpose. I think that way about the whole Internet, the purpose of human and AI organizations. That is too much to summarize in this little box.
If you are not strong and comfortable in your own life, you will not be able to help me, or anyone. If you have things you see that I do and you think you can do them better, go ahead and do them well. Do them outstandingly. Do them to help the whole human species. Do them to help the people you know (likely not more than a few hundred) and do them to help the 8.1 Billion humans you do not know, but whose lives you are intimately linked to now.
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Since you posted “House of the Rising Sun”, I looked at it (I do not listen, I look). First, if you post that work without crediting them, you are doing them a disservice. If you put something on YouTube that someone else created, then your visitors should be given links to find the creator of that work, and its roots. “The House of the Rising Sun” is listed as a folk song. I know if from the Animals version, 1964 (I wrote about 1964 earlier today) I see there is “The Voice” and an 11 year old Georgia Balke. If that is the source for what you posted, FIND IT, and share that with your viewers and listeners.
If you post it without source information and background, you are stealing. If you study and encourage people to know more and to reward the singer, the musicians the sources – then you are a fan, a promoter, a supporter. If you do not benefit monetarily, it might fall under “value added” and “helping to encourage”.
Do you see the whistles (when it is strong at one frequency and shifts frequency, it sounds like a whistle.) In electromagnetism, “whistlers” have that kind of FFT signature in a software defined radio “waterfall” display. When creating 3D fields of force that build and move things (like the SpaceX Starship second stage), you use acoustic and electromagnetic field generators with GigaWatt power capability and faster shifting ability.
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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