Low cost gravitational sensors for global+lunar baseline arrays, #RB_Prize

Physical Review Letters @PhysRevLett Using a Kerr optical effect, the detection sensitivity of a gravitational wave detector could be improved to enable the detection of binary neutron stars
Letter: https://go.aps.org/4ally2a
Synopsis: https://go.aps.org/3TL0hYv https://pic.twitter.com/Mcz2HpZTNY
Replying to @PhysRevLett

Designing low cost gravitational sensors for global+lunar baseline arrays? Individuals, small groups. Electron, Atom, Molecular, pico, nano interferometers, multispectral high order cantilevers – be creative now! nHz uHz mHz KHz MHz GHz THz.

Molecular state detectors with many modes can be made in massive numbers. Directly bond to COTS cmos time of flight pixel readouts.

Testing low cost gravitational sensors for global+lunar baseline arrays? Individuals, small groups. Electron, Atom, Molecular, pico, nano: interferometers; multispectral high order cantilevers – be creative now! nHz uHz mHz KHz MHz GHz THz. #RB_Prize

Testing low cost gravitational detectors for global baseline arrays? Don’t wait! Individuals, small groups. Electron, Atom, Molecular, pico, nano interferometers, multispectral high order cantilevers – be creative. nHz uHz mHz KHz MHz GHz x-ray. #RB_Prize

Everyone making small gravitational detectors: Atom IGO, Electron IGO, Other IGO. Open individuals and small groups work more efficiently. Atom and electron interferometers, even multispectral high order cantilevers. nHz uHz mHz KHz MHz GHz. Don’t wait!
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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