Comment on Google page construction when searching for Human Species

I searched on    human species    and you put up things at the top, it wiped out the count of results, which is what i wanted to know. I have no way to verify google counts, but I still try to use them.

You really need to have neutral categories for feedback and suggestions. All the “What do you think?” items are negative or hurtful. You need to allow everyone to speak. Many would offer suggestions, which if you listen and actually talk to people might guide your groups to better results.

Put a radio button on “Comments or suggestions” When people select that as a category, then you have a reason to go with the tags. Everything you do should have feedback and suggestions – open channels for communication. Then share what you hear. Build communities.

You don’t ask for name or email, so this is probably just thrown in the trash.

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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