Stars and particles bind by magnetic dipole and higher magnetic multipoles when very close


Atoms and particles bind by magnetic dipole and higher magnetic multipoles when they are very close. Classical electrodynamics is a convenient way to get rough estimates when doing chemistry inside and near the nucleus and particles. But since stars and planets have magnetic dipoles, the 1/r^3 magnetic energy comes into play. So there should be some way to model two stars that bind magnetically and have very high rates of rotation.

But the gravitational arrays are still using photon interferometry. There are groups who can make atom interferometer and electron interferometer gravitational detectors. It is much easier to use the first and second derivatives of the strain (meters/second, meters/second^2) than to only focus on strain (meters). And to go to much higher sampling rates. LIGO strain is 16384 sps and bound neutron-neutron, black hole-black hole and BH-neutron pairs ought to be visible at much higher sampling rates or frame rates.

I am working on nuclear decays and ionization right now, maybe someone can do the neutron stars.

A collapsing star with rotation and ionization should get stronger and stronger magnetic field as is shrinks. Axial magnetic fields can make chains (I think that is what is happening with gluon chains and “strings”) But antiparallel also works. Like I say, classical magnetic dipole forces and energies work well for a rough approximation to the full nonlinear Schrodinger and related solutions. Maybe someone checked if the nucleus is a folded string.

mu0*mu1*mu2/(4*pi*r^3) = z1*z2*e^2/(4*pi*e0*r) gives a starting point for same charges.  But you can add rotation, vibration, oscillations and fluctuations for opposite charged pairs, including particle-antiparticle pairs. Use measured SI magnetic moments and don’t play with spin units. Joules/Tesla. Magnetically bound particle antiparticle pairs can be stable, and they are invisible with no external monopole or dipole magnetic or electric fields. If lots of pairs are free, then can bind in many ways, probably some of the dark matter is that stuff. But there are some many practical problems now, why bother with distant black hole explosions and events?

Getting things in global open standard units will help all groups on the Internet not have to each maintain and support all formats. I call it SI (Standard Internet, not Systeme International) but I could use some help.

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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