Kelvin Water Drop Electric Generator – 2 Billion school kids, many tens of thousands of colleges universities and schools NOT WORKING TOGETHER GLOBALLY!

UZH Physics: Generating electricity from dripping water. The Kelvin Generator at

If your container has 1 liter of water, and the height is 1 meter. The flow rate at 1 liter/hour. That is 1 kg/3600 seconds. At 9.8 (Joules/kg)/meter.

Watts_maximum = MassFlowRate*GravitationalAcceleration*Height = (1 kg/3600 seconds) * ((9.8 Joules/kg)/meter) * (1 meter)
Watts_maximum is about 2.72 milliWatts
Watts = Volts*Amperes = (10,000 Volts) * Current
Current_maximum = (2.72E-3 Watts/10000 Volts) = 2.72 E-7 Amperes = 272 nanoAmperes
( 2.72E-7 Coulombs/second) = (1 kg/3600 second)/(Constant_kg_per_Coulomb)
Constant_kg_per_Coulomb = (1 kg/3600 second)/( 2.72E-7 Coulombs/second) = 1021.24183 (Kilograms/Coulomb)

FaradaysConstant = AvogadrosNumber*ElectronCharge = (6.02214076E23 particles/mole)*(1.602176634E-19 Coulombs/Electron)
FaradaysConstant = 96485.3321233 Coulombs/Mole
FaradaysConstant = 96,485,332.1233 KiloCoulombs/KiloMole

MolecularWeightWater = 18.01528 Kilograms/KiloMole

PH water is about 1E-7 moles Hydrogen ions per liter

(1000 grams/18.01528 grams/mole) = 55.5084351 Moles Water

1E-7 moles/55.5084351 moles = 1.801528E-9 Hydrogen ions per neutral molecules of H2O.

But breaking up the droplets causes frictional charge separation, and that can be measured by measuring the current in your experiment with a nanoAmpere meter of some sort. But could it be that the charge is just the hydrogen ions already there but getting separated?

CHECK ME.  I get tired and it is hard to remember all the constants.  Use CoData and a spreadsheet or Jupyter notebook.  There are about 20,000 colleges and universities and most are on the Internet. And 100s of thousands of high schools. I could do these calculations in middle school. And NONE of those many groups are working globally on making sure the thousands of duplicate presentations is consistent. Get serious please.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

The Internet Foundation Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration

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