Category: All Global Open Devices

Global open resources, heliospheric (sensor, objects) ( times, coordinates, users, uses, best methods)

Faithful Records, global open resources, Global open resources, heliospheric (sensor, objects) ( times, coordinates, users, uses, best methods) Richard Collins: I am looking at some amateur solar images. This one says “approximately north is up, east to the left.” I do not understand what “east” means when looking at the sun. OpenAI ChatGPT: When looking
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Solar Model from ChatGPT after laborious instructions to make programmer fiendly E notation data format for the sun

Solar Model from ChatGPT after laborious instructions to make programmer fiendly E notation data format for the sun And it could not give me copy and paste with tabs # Constants in E notation h = 6.62607015E-34 # Planck’s constant (J·s) c = 2.99792458E8 # Speed of light (m/s) k_B = 1.380649E-23 # Boltzmann constant
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cross compare images at different sites to provide higher accuracy

@NatSolarObs and @AURADC and @NSF   At it says   “There is no attempt to cross-compare images at different sites to provide higher accuracy at this time.”   Is that still true? What is the full potential now if all countries and groups combine across all frequencies? Sharing lossless data, and global best practices
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Even ChatGPT can do it, if you keep it focused with a clear plan

Prof Jesse Capecelatro @jesse_caps New paper out in JFM! Simulations, experiments, and theory all wrapped up in one. #openaccess Replying to @jesse_caps Even ChatGPT can do it, if you keep it focused with a clear plan Why do you put up with that kind of chaotic behavior in beam, jet, pipe, flow, plume,
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The “mitochondrial network” never acts in isolation

Mitochondria sense, integrate, and signal information. The mitochondrial network acts as a dynamic, energetic interface between the cellular (api) genome and the outside world. The “mitochondrial network” never acts in isolation, but always acts as part of the whole. The individual mitochondria might feel they are the center of “the outside world”. But their life
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Share exact data streams online with 5.4 Billion humans using the Internet, permanent open resources

” awarded three nights of observing time” at Steward Observatory  –  Replying to @StewardAstro Share exact data streams online with 5.4 Billion humans using the Internet, permanent open resources Did you record the data in lossless form, archived and accessible online, to share the exact data stream online with 5.4 Billion humans using the Internet? 
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Reaction simulators and visualizations for arbitrary shapes and flows

Reaction-diffusion pattern from an aqueous Belousov-Zhabotinsky — Replying to @PhysRevLett Reaction simulators and visualizations for arbitrary shapes and flows Is this just a pretty picture or did they put a live tool online to let the 5.4 Billion humans using the Internet play with the reaction simulations and visualizations for arbitrary shapes and flows? I
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It is possible to store sequence, shape and network data at atomic scale, using inorganics and atoms

Patrick Boyle @p_maverick_b  One must consider that if DNA data storage takes off we will someday store sequencing data as DNA My Comment: It is possible to store sequence, shape and network data at atomic scale, using inorganics and atoms – which are smaller. I appreciate your humor. But using naturally evolved rather large blobs
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Help prepare individuals to be better partners, workers, groups in a global Internet economy.

Help prepare individuals to be better partners, workers, groups in a global Internet economy. Dear Rose Yu, It is not just email, but comments, blogs, videos, websites, communities. There are efforts by individuals from groups under stress or facing difficulties. They will reach out for help. I generally encourage them to form a group, improve
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Assistive Intelligences can preserve and serve the human species. Using human brains for recognizing patterns is often wasteful

terence @researchremora What better way to showcase the richness of OpenStreetMap data than to have ten layers of data over shaded relief? Assistive Intelligences can preserve and serve the human species. Using human brains for recognizing patterns is often wasteful Have the assistive intelligences (AIs) use the data directly for us, and not use human
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