Category: Gravitational Engineering

A “standard” not shared completely on the Internet is not a workable tool for global collaboration

Freya Blekman @freyablekman #CMSPaper 1338 describes a precision measurement of the production rate of the quantum carriers of the weak force, the Z and W bosons. These measurements allow comparison and improvement of detailed understanding of the strong force in the standard model Replying to @freyablekman A “standard” not shared completely on the
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Schwinger (Dyon) Fields – links to neutrino fields, gluon fields, particle fields, mass fields, Higgs fields, vacuum fields, gravitational fields

Schwinger (Dyon) Fields – links to neutrino fields, gluon fields, particle fields, mass fields, Higgs fields, vacuum fields, gravitational fields Maury Goodman ( has a wonderful Neutrino newsletter “Long Baseline news” for Aug 2024. #DUNEScience The last link is Leonid Slad’s paper. Maury’s August newsletter is at and the Index is at For
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Multiple states at once, superposition and entanglement

Facebook reels, CosmoKnowledge, Quantum Superposition explained: Multiple states at once, superposition and entanglement Thank you so much. You said “atoms can be in multiple states at once”. I know the states of all atoms, isotopes and particles. But I had never literally considered what “multiple states at once” meant and how to visualize it. Now
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Coordinating dynamic real time systems for sustainable global and heliospheric systems

Radar @RadarHits  8,100 drones in this stunning performance – a new world record set in China. Replying to @RadarHits Filed as: Coordinating dynamic real time systems for sustainable global and heliospheric systems   If the software and technology is shared openly with the world, it could help grow new global and space industries and
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Synthesizing light fields, synthesizing 3D acceleration fields for sustainable global and heliospheric systems

Beautiful China @PDChinaLife A large fleet of drones illuminated the sky over Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in northeast China’s Jilin, with 7,598 drones forming the image of a Siberian tiger, which set a #GuinnessWorldRecord for the largest image formed by multirotor/drones. #DroneShow Replying to @PDChinaLife Filed as: Synthesizing light fields, synthesizing 3D acceleration fields
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Einstein, Dark Energy, Expansion, Digital Twin Models of the Universe and all real things

Turtles all the Way Down: What is Dark Energy? at My Comment: There are many processes, nuclear energy creation in stars foremost, that spread things out. Once gravitation and binding bring things together and nuclear fusion is possible, the nuclear energy created is much greater than gravitational energy. Our sun streams neutrinos, light, heat,
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Arrays for all frequencies and modulations gravitational signal surveys for astrophysics and civilizations

Dear SETI, Looking at the whole Internet, and the potential of true AIs to allow systems to essentially live forever, I realized that exploration and development of galaxies is likely the norm, not the exception in the universe. An evolved natural lifeform might well develop systems that record all knowledge and process it. The system
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We need global open gravitational compasses, not demos

Postholer – GIS Resources @postholer Revolutionary Quantum Compass Could Soon Make GPS-Free Navigation a Reality Revolutionary Quantum Compass Could Soon Make GPS-Free Navigation a Reality Replying to @postholer Is an atom interferometer something to look at? Yes, but this one is not sensitive enough or fast enough. Too many cooks. Too expensive R&D overhead. I
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Hans Otto Meyer and the PHELEX experiment, it might make a great gravitational potential sensor

I was reviewing the life of Hans Otto Meyer who started out at Basel University, spent most of his career at Indiana University in Physics. I found him looking at photomultipliers as I was searching for calibration data on Hamamatsu detectors. Any experiments that run continuously and precisely will run into gravitational potential effects. So
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Queegle Mutlitask and Freena – Does anyone care?

Now Queegle Multitask had a girl-friend Freena, and Freena reminded him constantly of his promise to take her to the Moon for a week in orbit there. The rates were cheap now, because after the initial glamour of “orbit the moon”, everyone realized that the synth was better, cheaper and much more convenient. Synthetic experiences
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