Category: All Sky Cameras

Comment on Houston Astronomical Society website and practices

Debbie, First, your novice videos should be globally public on your website.  Either HAS is an organization devoted to all people knowing about the sky and heavens, or not.  Share openly.  If there are things specific to secure gatherings at private places, those should not be shared, but minimized or separate.  I tell groups like
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Comment in Microwave Handy Scanner I doubt that you read comments that come years after you make a video. But I will leave this in case anyone wants to try to improve on this. I think it is a really good idea and there are lots of tools and methods to improve on it. Particularly for humans, but for
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Piezoelectric film and fiber, Three Axis, High Sampling Rate Gravimeters for Imaging Arrays I have not posted updates here for a while, but I work on this continually.  The latest possible technology that I will be trying to adapt is related to piezoelectric films and piezoelectric fibers.  I have seen several efforts to use piezo disks, but not these films.  As I am reading the history of these materials
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Note to SETI – Is anyone searching the gravitational signals?

When I was at the University of Maryland at College Park in the late 1970’s I met Joe Weber and Charles Misner and others who were starting gravitational wave detection. So I have followed it over the years. I think it very unlikely that aliens would be using the very narrow band of electromagnetic signals
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Is there an Internet data policy for SKA and related data? Human value of shared raw, live data streams

Karen Lee-Waddell, Pete Wheeler, SKA web contact, I am trying to piece together the Internet data sharing policy for SKA from what is visible on the Internet. Is SKA data going to be available to everyone on the Internet?  In accessible form? Reading these it seems SKA data is only for certain people for very
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Houston Astronomical Society Presentation by Noah Pearson on 28 Jan 2022 – comments and suggestions

Luis, This was a good presentation.  On Vimeo, watching reruns, no way to say “Thank you to the presenter” or to ask questions. We live in a world where any author’s work might be available globally for all time forward.  And, it they are living, the small matter of “time” it taken care of by
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Comment on Hubble vs Amateur Astrophotography

Hubble vs. Amateur Astrophotographer (27 Aug 2021) at I had to look a bit, but eventually found a description of the camera and exposure for that original image of “Pillars of Creation” at with more detail at then some images at Like usual, Hubble media people dominate sharing on their site,
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Comment on Telescope prices and sharing

What YOU Can SEE Through a $1 Billion, $32,000 and an $800 Telescope! There are many countries with LOTS of people where $800 is more than the median annual income. And many more countries and many more people where $800 is more than monthly income. So here you are, posting a video that could
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Machine vision and Industries – ZWO group on Facebook about microscopes and noise imaging

David, The lens is usually a fisheye or other lens with 1X magnification. You have to add it to a microscope meant for a human eyeball. A decent microscope is expensive and odd shaped for humans, so it does not fit in an industrial or lab or security environment. What I want is a 10x
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Contact Imaging Sensors, Linear CCD arrays for gravitational and magnetic imaging

Jean, I was trying at least two pathways: 1. Build circuits to read the analog signals from these linear sensors, and put the fastest and best ADCs to read and store the data. The focus on high precision measurement of the signals as a function of reference voltage. 2. Somehow learn to talk to these
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